IRSC Photography Classes
Student Feedback
Dear Denise and Howard,
When I signed up for the beginning class I was so excited to learn about photography and how to take better pictures. I had no idea what a great adventure your classes would be, or how much they'd impact my life! Its been a fun, rewarding experience giving me knowledge, confidence, and friendships I didn't expect. You've been an inspiration, and have helped to re-ignite a spark I had inside to create something beautiful.
With love, Barbara Hilton
Dear Howard and Denise,
When my father was sick and even after his passing your classes were among the only places of sanity and clarity I had. You are two of the kindest, funniest, loving people I have ever met and I am proud to call you teachers and friends.
I love you dearly, thank you for all that you do and all of your contributions to the lives of your students.
Love, Amanda Rosenblatt
Denise & Howard,
You reminded me often (whether you knew it or not), that nothing is more valuable than experience, and that it's okay if my pictures (art) didn't look like everyone elses's. Most importantly, you helped me to be more confortable with my uniqueness, and you enabled me to see it as a gift from God. For that I'm forever grateful.
One of my favorite highlights: Being accepted in Eye of the Camera show at the Backus Gallery! I never dreamed I would be accepted in any competition or show, and because of you, it happened! I'm honored to know you, and I love you both. May God continue to bless you, guide you and keep you safely in the palm of His hand.
With Much Love,
Angela M. Leggio
Denise and Howard -
Your passion for photography and generous instruction inspired me to make each of my projects better than the last. Because of you I will never stop "writing with light."
Thank You!
Betty Sixto McDavid
Howard and Denise,
I have grown so much as a photographer, and I have both of you to thank for that. I am forever grateful.
Brandy Winand
I'm learning to see more picture possibilities around me, and to configure the camera to take the picture that I envision. I'm also learning to use software to create the sort of finished picture that I want. Most importantly, I'm having fun, meeting and getting to know and like a diverse, and intersting group of people, my fellow photography students.
Howard and Denise thank you very, very much!
Bruce Olson
Denise and Howard,
Thank you for sharing your incredible expertise and passion of photography with me. I am honored to have had you as photography instructors.
I am grateful to both of you for instilling a desire in me to continue my joy in taking pictures.
Best Regards,
Carolyn Mellaci
Dear Denise and Howard:
I truly appreciate your dedication and encouragement in developing new talent, and enhancing hobby enthusiasts interests, and treasure the great learning experience along the way. I will never be able to thank you both enough for helping me find my happy place!
I am blessed to have been a part of the students who have participated in your informative, challenging, motivating and fun classes, and will continue to journey down this path with much more confidence because of you.
Thank you again, God Bless you both!
Chris Levy,
Former head chopper and butt shot specialist.
Both Howard and Denise have gone way beyond what I expected from teachers, as they have shared both their passion and their knowledge. Their love and dedication for photography it's contagious!!!
There is really no way for me to express my thanks and appreciation for who they are, and what they have done.....
and I love them both.
Cristina Davis
Thanks to you I've experimented and branched out beyond my comfort zone. Thanks to you I never turn down a photography opportunity, and my clients know they can rely on me. Thanks to you I'm continuing to learn, grow, and succeed. I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me and will continue to do.
I'm blessed to have such amazing teachers that are also my friends,
Love you Denise and Howard,
Dana McCartney
Denise and Howard,
You are truly two of the best teachers I have sat under in my years of schooling. What a tag team you guys make...between funny and serious, simple and technical...and you're both really interesting.
Thank you so much for your hard work and sharing your skill and knowledge with us.
David Haskett
Denise and Howard,
Thanks for the memories and for teaching me how to create them.
Denise Dinocola
Dear Howard and Denise,
I will be forever grateful for all you have taught me.
I have so much respect for you both, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening up a world of photography to me.
With much love,
Eva Campbell
To my mentors and friends Denise Russell, and my personal teacher Howard,
I give my sincere and heartfelt thanks for sharing your passion, ideas and techniques with me.
I couldn't have done it without you.
I will be in your debt, and I am grateful for your friendship and guidance.
Fernando Cancino
Anytime I've been on a field trip with Denise and Howard it has been a blast.
I have been taking these classes for longer than I can remember, but I always learn something new.
Love you Denise and Howard,
George Hunt
It has been over 10 years since I took my first class with Howard and Denise. By the end of that first class, I was totally HOOKED!
A whole new world has opened to me thanks to their dedication to sharing their craft, their mentorship, and above all their friendship. I will forever hold them both dear in my heart. They guided me to becoming the photographer I am today.
With my abiding thanks and love,
Ginger Shoun
Dear Howard and Denise,
I want to thank you both for a wonderful 2 years. My photography roots go back 40+ years, but the last few, under your tutelage have been the most exciting.
Your classes are inspiring and have helped me to refocus my goals.
Fred Kingston
To Denise & Howard:
Your patience, dedication, enthusiasm, and teaching skills have opened up a whole new world to me. I see and have learned things I never gave much thought to before. How Gods light creates wonderful reflections and shadows. I see detail where I had not before, and I am learning how to capture images of the world around me in interesting and meaningful ways.
Thank you. I will forever be in your debt.
May our God bless both of you.
Hank Koll
Denise and Howard,
Over the last few years it has been a great privilege to take your classes.
Your dedication to teaching the technique and art of photography has made a difference in the world.
Keep up the good work,
Jaime Pereira
My grandson, Max, motivated me to learn how to take pictures like a professional, by attending the Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced photography classes taught by Denise Russell and Howard Stickler.
According to Max, they have succeeded in doing so.
I agree with Max.
Thank You!
Jim Brown
Denise and Howard,
I have so enjoyed the classes I have taken with you. I learned many great things my camera can do.
Your classes are always fun and informative, and the classmates have been wonderful to meet. You even gave me the confidence to even enter the Backus photography show.
Thanks for everything,
Julie Pettingill
Denise & Howard,
Thank you for educating me and pushing me to open my mind to endless possibilities.
I have seen so much growth in my photography in such a short period of time.
You have given me the courage and knowledge to begin chasing my photography dreams.
Thank you for everything!
Kelly Baehr
Denise & Howard,
I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all of your expertise & guidance.
I have taken classes with you since 2011, and feel that I learn something new in every class. You always make it fun and educational.
Thanks for being mentors & friends!
Krystial Comins
Hi Denise and Howard,
I wanted you to know that I've enjoyed taking your classes, the great field trips, and the encouragement you've given me to improve my skills as a photographer.
Larry Morrissette
Having received a DSLR for Christmas one year, I decided I would like to take photographs using more than just the automatic setting.
Little did I realize, what delight lay in store when I signed up for a beginner's class at IRC with Denise and Howard.
They have been an amazing source of inspiration and motivation over the years, and have led me to a great love of photography. Their knowledge is amazing, and I love the way they teach.
Kind Regards
Linda Nicol
Dear Denise and Howard,
Thank you! Your photography classes have been such a delight, helping me turn a hobby into a passion. And I don't think that would have happened in just any photography class. The two of you bring experise, experience, clarity, fun and a contagious enthusiasm to your teaching.
As much as I have learned already, it's nice to know there will always be more to discover. You have given me the gift of being able to learn and explore on my own, but I look forward to more of your classes too!
With fondness,
Lois Fraser
Dear Howard and Denise,
Before I came to your class, I thought I was a great photographer, then quickly realized I wasn't. I think it was great to find out, because then I could learn how to improve. When I started using film and things weren't automatic, it was rough. It was one of the hardest things I had to learn. I finally realized it was my camera all along that was the great photographer. I was just it's tripod.
It was when I learned how to use manual, and what makes beauiful pictures, that I beame an okay photographer. I might not be as great as some, but both of you helped me become better than I could have done on my own. I can now be proud of my pictures, and its all because of you. It means the world to me to have something I can be proud of, and you both gave that to me. On top of being great teachers, you are the most amazing people, and I've had so much fun in your classes! You both have a great heart and wonderful patience. I really enjoyed being with you, and learning with you for 2 semesters. I wish I could do more, and one day when the stars align and the bank account agrees, I will.
Thank you so much for everything, you are a blessing to be with.
Margaret Slaughter/Maggie
To my dearest Denise and Howard,
Words are small to express the gratitude I have for all your time, dediation and friendship.
You both have been great mentors in my life, and a great inspiration in my professional life.
I wish you both much more fruitfulness in your lives, and May God bless you.
Mariela McSoley
(Mariela McSoley Photography)
Denise and Howard,
You both have made learning photography a blast. Even the technical aspets were taught in a way that made them easy to understand. You are exceptional teachers that enjoy what you do as professional photographers and as teachers, you have the awesome ability to transfer that love, knowledge, and expertise to your students.
You both are always there, and available to help your students reach a level of expertise that they are not even aware that they have. Thank you for your patience and your continued support.
I look forward to continuing my photography studies under your expert teaching and guidance. Again thank you very, very much.
Melody Haskett
Denise & Howard,
I feel so fortunate to have stumbled upon your classes. Having instructors who have such passion for what they do, means everything. Your sense of humor and honesty made class interesting, and your experience in the field provided us with valuable knowledge that couldn't otherwise be obtained in a text book.
You both have inspired me so greatly, and touched my heart in a way that I couldn't quite explain. It was the both of you, that not only gave me pride in chasing a dream I've had for so long, but the courage and confidence to pursue it. Your class expanded my mind and made me realize, that I could use photography to help educate people about something that means so much to me; PTSD awareness. I have big plans, for a project on just that, and I owe a lot of thinks to you both.
Thank you for EVERYTHING; always cheering me on, pointing me in the right direction and teaching me so much.
You both are not only talented, but wonderful people that I am so glad I've met.
Michele Sara
Denise & Howard,
You taught me so many things, that it's difficult for me to list them all.
But the most important lesson you taught me was to look for the artistic composition in every picture. Now when I see photographs, I appreciate them with the same respect I would give a beautiful painting by one of the great painters.
Thanks for teaching with the passion and love you have for photography. You really showed that love in every class.
Dios Los Bendiga por Siempre
Myozotis Ryfkogel.
Denise Russell & Howard Stickler,
Words are often inadequate to express my joy for your help.
For sharing my dreams in photography, for your invaluable help in the class, the support and patience that you have given to me....
I say thank you.
Richard Burnett
Denise and Howard,
I would just like to express my gratitude to you both for being the best (and most fun) instructors I have ever had. When I took my first photography class I had absolutely no idea how to use a camera other than just to point and shoot. You were so patient and kind....and did I mention fun?!!
Thank you for your inspiration, dedication, amazing happy attitudes and willingness to be there for your students. I always feel like one of the family when I come back for another class and I am sure everyone else does, as well. That goes above and beyond teaching a class.
With great appreciation,
Sally Stone
Dear Denise & Howard,
Have I told you lately how grateful I am to have met you both? I have wanted to be a photographer since I was knee-high to a grasshopper! My granddad was a photographer, and I have fond memories of taking and then developing pictures in his homemade darkroom.
It took a long time to be able to make the investment and return to the hobby, and when I did, I was hooked. Before I arrived in the States, I would spend all my free time reading about and practicing photography. Trouble is, just as I'd get one thing right, I'd get another wrong. I got to the point where sometimes I'd be afraid to pick up my camera, because I felt it wouldn't be good enough. Then I came to your class and everything just started to fall into place. Concepts I'd struggled with, finally made sense.
You are my mentors and idols. You are kind, patient, and encouraging with a wonderful sense of humor.
There's still more to learn, but I can't wait. My fear is replaced with excitement, and now I can't wait to get out and see what I can create.
Thank you.
English Sarah (Feltham)
Howard and Denise,
How grateful I am to you both for the skills you have taught me thus far, and those I am yet to learn in the future.
I believe God gifted me years ago, and it is just now that His gift is being unwrapped and polished, thanks to your instruction and your genuine encouragement.
I have always believed that success is the sum of details...without them, it would be like shooting in AUTO mode. Thank you for MANUAL ONLY instruction...the details matter.
I look forward to what God has in store for myself and 316creations. Always know that you have been an instrumental piece in His plan.
God's blessings to you both.
Sarah C. Parker
Howard and Denise, they are my teachers and mentors. They are the ones that have shown me the way to capture the beauty I see around me.
For more than 22 years I have been learning from Howard and Denise. They both have taught me how to use many techniques in the field of photography.
I started off with film, and now the new age of digital.
Each student that has ever been in Howard and Denise's photography classes, has come to know what it takes to be a great photographer. I feel honored to be one of the many students that have been taught by Howard and Denise.
Thank you for your teaching and mentoring.
Sharon E. Norris
Dear Denise and Howard,
I would like to thank you both for bringing inspiration and passion into my life.
I appreciate all of the time you spend inspiring me, not only to take pictures, but to look beyond the surface and see the beauty in everything.
The patience you have for each of us is truly a gift that brings out each of our own hidden talents.
Words cannot describe how blessed I am to have such great mentors and friends in my life.
With Love,
Sonja LoPresti
Howard & Denise,
Growing in knowledge and experience of photography through your classes, assignments and field trips, I became more confident in myself. Not just as a photographer, but as a person. I had zero confidence and didn't feel like a valuable human being with anything to contribute to the world. You helped me develop a talent that I'm proud of, and even make money at now.
I believe a person never gets to a point when they can say, "That's it, I know everything there is to know abou this." Especially because as soon as we get comfortable with something, it changes on us. That 's why I'm a lifer at IRSC in Advanced Photography with both of you.
Thanks for all you have done for me.......
Love Always-
Sue Jones
Denise and Howard,
Wow, I don't know where to begin in expressing my gratitude and appreciation for everything you both have taught me. You are wonderful teachers that have shared your knowledge, technical skills, and love of photograpy in countless ways. You have given your students many opportunities to develop their photographic skills inside and outside the classroom. With your encouragement and support, our success has been your success.
Though I've always enjoyed the beauty that exists in this world, you have taught me to have an even greater appreciation and heightened awareness. I've learned over the years that it is not just a matter of seeing; it's a feeling of connection, a spiritual connection of taking notice of things that may have otherwise been overlooked.
Being able to do this is not only a blessing, but also a gift. So, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do, and most of all, your friendship!
Denise and Howard, you are simply the best!
With love, gratitude, and appreciation,
Susan Pantuso
Howard and Denise,
If every photographer were as generous with knowledge, as encouraging through enthusiasm, and as nurturing of talent as you have been with your students, the world would be blessed with so many more breathtaking photographs.
You have done so much more than just teach me how to use my camera. You have helped my confidence to grow, taught me how to look at the world from different perspectives, and provided me with faith in my abilities.
Thank you for believing in what I can do before I even realized I could do it.
Susan Klein
Denise and Howard,
You both have opened up a whole new creative world for me. I am so thankful I went to the Backus Show to see Laura Hoods work and found out about you both and the class.
You both are wonderful people and mean a lot to me.
Thank you Denise and Howard.
Suzanne Bernetti
Denise and Howard,
I just want to thank you for all the knowledge about photography you have shared with all of us over the years.
We have truly been blessed to be able to learn from you both.
Thank you for helping me understand photography and all the amazing things I can create with it.
I am a better photographer because of you two.
Thank you both.
Tristine Davis
Denise & Howard,
Thank you for being great Teachers and Photographers! I'm so glad to be part of this great photographic journey with you!
I'll always be back for classes when I can, so you can keep me on my toes! I have so much more to learn, and I know the two best teachers/photographers to learn from!
It 's been an honor and pleasure to be a part of your classes, and to have made lifetime memories and friends!
Love ya both,
Janis Bee (Circle B Photography)
I want to thank Denise Russell and Howard Stickler for everything they have taught me about photography. Even though, I have not gone back to class for quite a few years, I want to say Thank you. I Studied with them for about 4 yrs, from knowing nothing to learning a more advanced level in Photography. I learned all the techniques that I know, and I still apply them today in my career.
I remember the first time I went to a lab to pick up my pictures for class and the lady that was at the register asked me for a copyright release and I told the lady, "I took this pictures", (I didn't know anything about a "copyright release") the lady said "Well these are professional pictures and you need to prove that you took them."
After 5 yrs doing this as a "part time/hobbie" basis, and now 5 yrs doing it full time as an event/wedding/quinceanera/portrait photographer, I Want to Thank so Much Denise and Howard for everything, their passion, patience, dedication, and love for this beautiful art of Photography.
God Bless You Guys.
Marcos A Cazares
Owner of Marcos Photography
Teachers Denise Russell and Howard Stickler are awesome. They are truly passionate about photography and do an excellent job helping you blossom and refine your skills.
Rachel "Sharkbait" King; Fins & Lens Photography
Dear Ms. Russell,
I loved your class today! I always do. In spite of the fact that it's far for me. I am adoring the projects, and I profoundly appreciate your "frankness" about my boring two doors. I look forward to the next semester, and always, with a smile. I like your style.
Howard kills me! His knowledge on the specifics regarding cameras and lenses, how to make 'em work, makes the class so worth the distance.
Very best regards,
Jose Luis Beristain Larraza